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1996 美国爱荷华大学经济学博士

1991 美国圣母大学科学哲学硕士

1982 中国华西医科大学医学学士


1982年获华西医科大学医学学士,1991年获美国圣母大学(Notre Dame)科学史与科学哲学硕士,1996年获爱荷华(Iowa)大学经济学博士。之后在香港科技大学经济系(1996-1999)、美国康奈尔大学经济系(1999-2005)任助理教授,华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)访问教授(2005-2008)。2005年起担任美国联邦储备银行高级研究员,2008年升任助理副行长,并于同年起担任清华大学经济管理学教授,CCB讲席教授,博士生导师,国家千人计划学者。曾经获得美国印第安纳大学和英国华威大学(Warwick)终身正教授聘书。2021年8月辞职美联储并加盟上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院,任经济系长聘教授。主要讲授课程包括:高级宏观经济学,中级宏观经济学,中国宏观经济与工业革命史。

研究领域包括宏观经济学,商业周期,货币政策,中国宏观经济问题。在全球顶级经济学刊物,如Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory,Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 等匿名审稿国际顶级学术期刊发表论文五十多篇。著有《伟大的中国工业革命──发展政治经济学一般原理批判纲要》(清华出版社,2016),《一个超级大国的诞生:中国快速工业化揭秘》(英文,世界图书出版公司,2016),《科学革命的密码──枪炮、战争与西方崛起之谜》(东方出版中心有限公司,2021)。

曾兼任美国宏观领域顶级学术期刊《宏观经济动力学》副主编(Macroeconomic Dynamics, Associate Editor)、《经济调控与动力学杂志》副主编(Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Associate Editor),《中国经济评论》主编(China Economic Review, co-Editor),清华大学经济管理学院《经济学报》主编(co-editor)等职。




[1] “Capacity Utilization under Increasing Returns to Scale.” Journal of Economic Theory 81 (1998) 7-36.

[2] “Can a Real Business Cycle Model the Watson Test?” Journal of Monetary Economics 42 (1998) 185-230.

[3] “Investment Cycles.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 22 (1998) 1139-1165.

[4] “Indeterminacy, dynamic adjustment costs, and cycles,” Economics Letters 59 (1998) 213-216.

[5] “A simple nonlinear filter for economic time series analysis,” (with Bing Zeng) Economics Letters 64 (1999) 151-160.

[6] "A generalized method of impulse identification," Economics Letters 73 (2001), 367-374.

[7] “Understanding self-fulfilling rational expectations equilibria in real-business-cycle models.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25 (2001) 1221-1240.

[8] "Residential Investment and Economic Growth," Annals of Economics and Finance 2 (November 2001), 437-444.

[9] “Joint time-frequency distributions for business cycle analysis,” (with Sharif Raihan and Bing Zeng) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2252 (2001), 347-358.

[10] "The business cycle effects of Christmas." Journal of Monetary Economics 49 (2002), 1289-1314.

[11] "Indeterminacy, aggregate demand, and the real business cycle." (with Jess Benhabib), Journal of Monetary Economics 51 (2004), 503-530.

[12] "What does it take to explain procyclical productivity?" Contributions to Macroeconomics 4 (2004, No.1), Article 5 (in The B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics).

[13] "Endogenous money or sticky prices? Comment on monetary non-neutrality and inflation dynamics." (with Peng-Fei Wang), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 29 (2005, No. 8), 1361-83.

[14] "Understanding the Inventory Cycle." Journal of Monetary Economics 52 (2005), 1533-1555.

[15] “Demand shocks and economic fluctuations.” Economics Letters 90 (2006), 378-383.

[16] "Another look at sticky prices and output persistence," (with Peng-fei Wang) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, December 2006, 30(12), pp. 2533-52.

[17] “By force of demand: Explaining international comovements,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31(1), January 2007, 1-23.

[18] "Understanding the large negative impact of oil shocks," (with Luis Conraria) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 39(4), June 2007, 925-44.

[19] “Granger causality and equilibrium business cycle theory,” Federal Reserve bank of St. Louis Review 89(3), May/June 2007, 195-205.

[20] “Measuring interest rates as determined by thrift and productivity,” (with Woongyu Choi), Annals of Economics and Finance 8(1), May 2007, 159-187.

[21] “Production and inventory behavior of capital,” Annals of Economics and Finance 8(1), May 2007, 87-104.

[22] "What's unique about the federal funds rate? Evidence from a spectral perspective," (with Lucio Sarno and Daniel Thornton) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, April 2007, 69(2), 293-319.

[23] “Inflation Dynamics: A Cross-Country Investigation,” (with Peng-fei Wang) Journal of Monetary Economics October 2007, 54(7), 2004-31.

[24] “Imperfect competition and composition of aggregate output,” (with Peng-fei Wang), Journal of Economic Theory November 2008, 143(1), 519-40.

[25] “A note on oil dependence and economic instability,” (with Luis Conraria), Macroeconomic Dynamics, November 2008, 12(5), 717-23.

[26] “Global indeterminacy in locally determinate RBC models (with Tarek coury), International Journal of Economic Theory, March 2009, 5(1), 49-60.[27]

[27] “Understanding the Puzzling Effects of Technology Shocks,” (with Peng-fei Wang), Review of Economic Dynamics October 2011, 14(4), pp. 705-24.

[28] “Dynamics of Externalities: A Second-order Approach,” (with Huabin Wu)., Federal Reserve bank of St. Louis Review April/May, 2011.

[29] “Can rising housing prices explain China’s high household saving rate?” (with Xin Wang), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review May/June, 2011.

[30] “Input and Output Inventory Dynamics,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, October 2011, 3(4), pp. 1-33.

[31] “Volatility, Growth, and Welfare,” (with Peng-fei Wang), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (2011) 1696–1709.

[32] "OPEC’s Oil Exporting Strategy and Macroeconomic (In)Stability" with Luís Aguiar-Conraria, Energy Economics, January 2012, 34(1), 132-136.

[33] "Hayashi Meets Kiyotaki and Moore: A Theory of Capital Adjustment Costs" with Pengfei Wang,
Review of Economic Dynamics, September 2012, 15(2), 207-225.

[34] "Speculative Bubbles and Financial Crisis" with Pengfei Wang, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2012, 4(3), 184-223.

[35] “Housing Prices and the High Chinese Saving Rate Puzzle" with Xin Wang
China economic review, June 2012, 23(2), pp. 265-283.

[36] "Leveraged Borrowing and Boom-Bust Cycles" with Patrick A. Pintus, Review of Economic Dynamics, October 2013, 16(4), 617-633.

[37] “What Inventory Tell Us about Business Cycles? A (S,s) Approach,” with Pengfei Wang and Zhiwei Xu, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 44, pp. 196-217, July 2014.

[38] "Money, Liquidity and Welfare," European Economic Review 76, pp. 1-24, May 2015.

[39] “Sentiments and Aggregate Demand Fluctuations,” with Jess Benhabib and Pengfei Wang, Econometrica 83(2), pp. 549-585, March 2015.

[40] “The Great Housing Boom of China,” with Kaiji Chen, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics April 2017, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 73-114

[41] "Self-Fulfilling Credit Cycles," with Costas Azariadis and Leo Kaas. Review of Economic Studies, October 2016, Vol. 83, No. 4, pp. 1364-1405

Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdv056

[42] "Two-Way Capital Flows and Global Imbalances," with Pengfei Wang and Zhiwei Xu. Economic Journal, February 2017, Vol. 127, No. 599, pp. 229-269

Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1111/ecoj.12290

[43] "Long and Plosser Meet Bewley and Lucas"
with Feng Dong, Journal of Monetary Economics, April, Vol. 102, No. April, pp. 70-92
Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmoneco.2019.01.025

[44] “Credit Search and Credit Cycles,” with Feng Dong and Pengfei Wang, Economic Theory Volume 61 (2) – Sep 26, 2015.

[45] "Should Capital Be Taxed?" with Yunmin Chen, YiLi Chien, and C.C. Yang, Economics Letters (forthcoming).

[46] "A Search-Based Neoclassical Model of Capital Reallocation" with Feng Dong and Pengfei Wang, European Economic Review Volume 128, September 2020, 103515.

[47] "International Credit Markets and Global Business Cycles" with Patrick A. Pintus and Xiaochuan Xin International Journal of Economic Theory, March, Vol. 1, No. 15, pp. 53-75

Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1111/ijet.12206

[48] "Withstanding Great Recession like China" with Jing Wu, Manchester School, 2018-05-28 Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1111/manc.12223

[49] "Financial Development and Long-Run Volatility Trends" with Pengfei Wang Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2018, Vol. 28, pp. 221-251
Working Paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.red.2017.08.005

[50] "Escaping the Middle-income Trap —A Cross-Country Analysis on the Patterns of Industrial Upgrading" with Lili Wang, Advances in Economics and Business, January 2018, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 36-61
Working Paper https://doi.org/10.13189/aeb.2018.060104

[51] "Are Unconditional Lump-sum Transfers a Good Idea?" with Yunmin Chen, Yili Chien, and C.C. Yang, Economics Letters (forthcoming),
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2021-002C, August 2021

[52] "Time-Inconsistent Optimal Quantity of Debt" with Yili Chien, European Economic Review (forthcoming), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2020-037E, September 2021

[53] "Optimal Ramsey Capital Income Taxation under Quasilinear Preferences" with Yili Chien, Review of Economic Dynamics (forthcoming), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2017-024C, February 2018

[54] “China’s Industrial Revolution—A New Perspective,” China Economic Review, Volume 69, October 2021, 101671


[1] 《伟大的中国工业革命——“发展政治经济学”一般原理批判纲要》(清华大学出版社,2016)

[2] 《The Making of an Economic Superpower: Unlocking the Secret of China’s Rapid Industrialization》(英文,世界图书出版公司,2016)

[3] 《科学革命的密码——枪炮、战争与西方崛起之谜》



[1] “中国为何超越 因为中国找到了工业革命的秘诀”,《观察者网》http://www.guancha.cn/WenYi2/2016_06_04_362845.shtml

[2] “中国经验如何照亮英国工业革命之谜”《观察者网》http://www.guancha.cn/WenYi2/2016_06_23_365070.shtml

[3] “中国崛起:英国工业革命后最壮观的历史性事件”《文汇报》http://whds.whb.cn/wenhuazixun/3133.htm

[4] “为什么中国崛起势不可挡?”《百年潮》2016.6

[5] “邓小平为什么拿不到经济学诺奖?”《观察者网》

[6] 网络评论文章:中国四书之一:文一教授的《伟大的中国工业革命》科学网—中国四书之一:文一教授的《伟大的中国工业革命》 - 钱纲的博文 (sciencenet.cn)


第三届孙冶方金融创新奖 (2018)


[1] "Why Might Lump-sum Transfers Not Be a Good Idea?" with Yunmin Chen, YiLi Chien, and C.C. Yang Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2021-002A, February 2021

[2] "The Poverty of Macroeconomics --- What the Chemical Revolution Tells Us about Neoclassical Production Function" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2021-001A, February 2021

[3] "Time-Inconsistent Optimal Quantity of Debt" with YiLi Chien, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2020-037B, October 2020

[4] "Are Government Bonds Net Wealth or a Liability? ---Optimal Debt and Taxes in an OLG Model with Uninsurable Income Risk" with YiLi Chien and HsinJung Yu, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2020-007C, January 2021

[5] "Optimal Fiscal Policies under Market Failures"with YiLi Chien, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2020-002B, September 2020

[6] "The Determination of Public Debt under both Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Uncertainty" with YiLi Chien, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2019-038E, August 2020

[7] "What Does Financial Crisis Tell Us About Exporter Behavior and Credit Reallocation?"
with Yang Jiao, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2019-023A, August 2019

[8] "Optimal Ramsey Taxation in Heterogeneous Agent Economies with Quasi-Linear Preferences" with YiLi Chien, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2019-007D, May 2020

[9] "Flight to What? ---Dissecting Liquidity Shortages in the Financial Crisis" with Feng Dong , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2017-025B, October 2017

[10] "Optimal Ramsey Capital Income Taxation—A Reappraisal" with YiLi Chien, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2017-024C, February 2018

[11] "Optimal Monetary Policy under Negative Interest Rate" with Feng Dong, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2017-019A, July 2017

[12] "Withstanding Great Recession like China" with Jing Wu, Working Paper 2014-007A, posted March 2014.

[13] "Evaluating Unconventional Monetary Policies ─Why Aren’t They More Effective?" Working Paper 2013-028B, posted October 2013, updated January 2014.

[14] "Is Government Spending a Free Lunch? -- Evidence from China" with Xin Wang, Working Paper 2013-013A, posted March 2013.

[15] "Uncertainty and Sentiment-Driven Equilibria" with Jess Benhabib and Pengfei Wang
Working Paper 2013-011A, posted March 2013.

[16] "Financial Development and Long-Run Volatility Trends" with Pengfei Wang
Working Paper 2013-003A, posted January 2013.

[17] "Sentiments and Aggregate Demand Fluctuations" with Jess Benhabib and Pengfei Wang
Working Paper 2012-039A, posted September 2012.

[18] "Capital, Finance, and Trade Collapse"
with Yang Jiao, Working Paper 2012-003A, posted February 2012.

[19] "Explaining China's Trade Imbalance Puzzle" Working Paper 2011-018A, posted August 2011.
